Joyce's Third Birth!

Third baby. Spontaneous labor, SROM, full-term, midwife, doula, older siblings. No epidural, ampicillin, GBS positive, IV, Heplock. Vaginal. Freestanding Birth Center. Hypnobabies. Water birth. Daddy catch. Posted with permission.

Baby W is here! 7/13/14, 8:28 pm, she is 7#3oz and 20.5 inches. Here's her story 

39w 1 day, I woke up from my nap, rolled up to hands and knees, did a few pelvic rocks, stood up, and immediately felt like I was peeing my pants! Went to the bathroom, kept leaking after, and then I was sure that my water broke. I texted my husband, who was at church helping set up for a concert, and told him to come home! Texted my doulas to tell them, and to reassure all you other moms, even doulas freak out, because I had no idea what I should do, lol! My other 2 kids, water didn't break until transition, we had an hour drive to the birth center, and I had opted to get antibiotics for gbs, but contractions hadn't started, so I needed my doulas to help me out! I called my midwife, she recommended we head in for a dose of antibiotics, and once hubby got home we started packing up for drive. Birthing waves started about 4:30 pm, about 3-6 minutes apart, and we were ready to go about 5pm. Birthing waves started to space out in the car, no surprise, but they were strong. Very glad for Hypnobabies for the intense cervical pressure in the car! 4-5 cm, 90% effaced, 0 station when I arrived at the birth center just after 6, got a dose of antibiotics while hubby, the kids, and my dad and stepmom (on big brother and big sister duty) ate some dinner, and then hubby, doulas, and I went walking, which got contractions going stronger and more frequently again. Started feeling lots of back pressure, so forward leaning felt good. I wanted to get in the tub around 7, 7:30, but was only 5cm, I so my midwife suggested I stay out a little longer. Still felt back pressure, so I rocked and swayed leaning over a ball. Back pressure went away and changed into intense cervical pressure! I knew it wouldn't be long now! All of a sudden, I started to feel rectal pressure, told doulas, they grabbed the midwife and nurse from the desk, and they finished filling the tub. Heather suggested I try the toilet to finish dilating, and as I literally jumped from the toilet into the tub moments before my second baby was born, I responded with an emphatic "NO." Lol, I was NOT doing that again! Next contraction I started pushing, panted through it to slow myself down, got in the tub between, which felt SOOOOO good, and was able to enjoy that for a minute while my doulas gathered the kids to see the birth. Next pushing wave started quickly, I was on my side, which felt awful, got up on my hands and knees, reached down, and slowed her head being born a bit, it was fast! After a breather, I pushed again and her shoulders and body were born! My husband guided her to my hands so I could lift her out of the water, she cried right away, and big brother and sister have been all smiles and kissing their baby sister ever since!

Joyce Dykema